Staying connected: Projects coming out of personal interest, motivation, fascination etc.

Explorations, research, work, excuses to learn about and work on things I’m interested in, or passionate about.


Clients/Beneficiaries: N/A
Artefacts: Research reports, research papers, platforms, concepts, discourse, insights…
Process: Just do it 🙂


Explore, research, work on, learn about interesting topics the fields of

  • data science
  • information systems
  • politics
  • human computer interaction
  • philosophy


Beneficiary: TNO Defense & Security, University of Amsterdam
What: Research, design, development & validation of a dashboard providing conflict analysts, and/or disinformation experts, the means to identify and analyse disinformation sharing within Twitter communities in their own practice.
Output: Dashboard, scientific report
Activities: UxD, Expert validation (interviews, setup), report, research, information systems/data science, network analysis
Methods: MoScoW, Wireframes, WWH, Prototype, NLTK Vader (sentiment analysis), Leiden algorithm (community detection), Polarisation Index (Echo chamber score), Latent Dirichlet Allocation (topic analysis)


Beneficiary: Digital Society School + PartnersPartners: Robert Overweg (TRIPLE), Ruben Jongkind (AJAX Amsterdam)

What: Together with Robert Overweg, design & EdX development of a MOOC centred around learning to deal with change and uncertainty in a way that stimulates innovation.
Output: MOOC design, platform, assignments, LxD
Activities: UxD, LxD, Visual design, assignments, coordination, LMS setup


Beneficiary: European society, me, Design Academy Enidhoven 🙂

What: Development of a multi-layer narrative approach for communicating complex policy information about the EU (e.g. multi-annual financial framework, cohesion policy, antitrust cases at the ECJ and their political implications). Proposal serves as a basis for a playful, interactive, jargon-free, low-effort political journalism platform. I talked about the project during Dutch Design Week 2018 events at The Arena.
Output: Exhibition, presentation, collateral, talk(s) at events
Activities: UxD, Expert validation (interviews, setup), report, research, information systems/data science, social media ad campaign, communication design.