

🛠️ I design, develop & advise on products (and/or services) that enable businesses to grow sustainably and responsibly. I’ve led & worked with amazing teams at:

Wolters Kluwer
*/dxg Digital eXperience Group

Lead CX/UX Designer | 2022 – Present

Keywords: Lean UX, Strategic design, Expert solutions, Product Innovation, Finance, Risk & Regulatory compliance, Risk management, EHS, Accounting, Audit, IT & software.

Driving CX/UX strategy across the E2E of Wolters Kluwer’s Corporate Performance & ESG product portfolio:

In close collaboration with CP&ESG businesses, my primary objective is to develop and maintain a strong UX strategy, aligned to divisional and business strategies & product/innovation portfolios. I (also) work to build and grow a divisionally aligned design team, evangelise our user-centred method of work, raise overall UX maturity and drive standardisation and reuse of patterns using our global product design system, which defines the future of Wolters Kluwer’s product experience.

Hit me up, I’ll tell you more

Visit Wolters Kluwer FRR website

Digital Society School

Design & Tech Lead | 2018 – 2022

Clients: Municipality of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Economic Board, LegalTech Lab, GGD, University of Amsterdam

Equipping organisations with the (digital) tools, services & knowledge needed to achieve their transition goals.

Coordinating a team of technologists in designing, developing and advising on new, socially responsible, transparent and inclusive digital tools and services for internal and external partners (clients).

Examples of projects include: health data set management dashboards, talent matching platform-ecosystems, tech-enabled legal operations, online schools, decision-support systems for municipal policy advisors, recruitment tools etc.

Projects & work

Hit me up, I’ll tell you more


Strategic Designer | 2019 – 2022

Clients: BlackRock, Amundi, Jacobi AM, BMO, BNP Paribas Asset Management, ABN AMRO & more

Product & comms innovation geared at raising and retaining capital in the Asset Management industry.

Working on innovation projects and strategic design with CORE. We help Asset Managers raise more capital in the short term, and retain their ideal investors for the long term. Responsible for design & development of products we offer to clients – small and large. Combined, the managers who benefit from our services are responsible for $20tn in AUM. across 15 countries.

Hit me up, I’ll tell you more

Check out the CORE website

Studio Pana

Founder, consultant | 2017 – Present

Clients: LegalLogic, Saxion Hogeschool, Municipality of Eindhoven,  Kunstzone Magazine, CAPADA Design Research, DIG – Design Innovation Group

Design & strategy practice working with B2B and expert/professional services providers.

Filling the knowledge and skills gap and bringing in outside perspectives to organisations – in areas like design strategy, branding, UX/Service design, information science etc. Example projects include a (re)branding and platform redesign (UX/Information) of a full-service LegalTech practice, branding & design strategy for the first ever Tier 1 European Bitcoin ETF fund, Co-creation session on the future of housing, design, development & research of a digital society monitor for a large Dutch knowledge institute.

Hit me up, let’s chat!

Staying connected

Personal projects | Always on 🙂

Beneficiaries: TNO Defense & Security, University of Amsterdam, Digital Society School, society, me 🤓

Staying connected: Projects coming out of personal interest, motivation, fascination etc. etc.

Explorations, research, design/tech work, excuses to learn about interesting topics the fields of : data science, information systems, politics, human computer interaction, philosophy, information societies, culture, art, psychology, journalism…